MacSnoop™ is a file/volume editor that was developed to help fill the gap left by FEDIT since its departure from the shareware market. MacSnoop™ is both HFS and MFS compatible and tries to adhere to the Macintosh interface as closely as possible.
Some of the advanced features include support for any hard disk up to 512M in size, the use of multiple windows for file/volume editing as well as directory windows to allow you to perform common file tasks such as renaming, deleting, locking, unlocking, attribute setting and informational display.
Make sure you read the documentation on how to install and use this product!
MacSnoop™ is compatible with Macintosh 512Ke, Plus, SE and II as well as all hard disk drives that follow Apple's external file system guidelines.
••• Distribution •••
This product is being distributed exclusively on the shareware system. Please register your copy with me by contributing $25 in US funds (non-US orders add $4 extra P&H) along with the following information:
Name :
Address :
City :
State :
Zip :
Country :
Phone :
Version :
How you obtained MacSnoop™:
Send to the following address:
Evergreen Software, Inc.
15600 NE 8th Street, Suite A3126
Bellevue, Washington
In return for your contribution, I will send a disk containing the latest version of MacSnoop™ as well as its documentation. As a special bonus, I will include MacSpool™, a TEXT file print program that allows you to “queue” up to 50 files to printed. MacSpool™ uses the low-level text streaming features of the ImageWriter™ or LaserWriter™ to provide extremely
rapid output.
As a registered owner, you may elect to upgrade your version of MacSnoop™ at any time by sending in your original MacSnoop™ disk along with a self addressed, stamped envelope or your original MacSnoop™ disk along with $3 (US funds). I will return the latest version to you as quickly as possible.
••• Sale & Profit Clause •••
MacSnoop™ may be distributed everywhere for evaluation; it may not be sold or offered for sale, or “included” with another product offered for sale, except with the expressed permission of the author. This includes the so-called “public domain shareware” disks which are sold for profit. If you want to include MacSnoop™ on such a disk, ask me and we’ll work something out.
(National services, such as CompuServe, GEnie, DEPHI, etc; and BBS’s which charge a fee for membership but not for each download; are specifically excluded from this “Sale & Profit” clause... go ahead and post it.)
••• Bug Reports •••
Any questions or bug reports can be sent to my attention via the above address (please no calls) or the following networks:
••• Credits •••
Countless thanks go out to my wife, Renette, and son, Eric, who have patiently waited for meals, shopping trips, vacations, etc; while I added “just one more line of code”. Every guy should be as lucky as I am to have such a great family.
••• Warranty •••
No warranty, expressed or implied, is provided with MacSnoop™. If you find a bug, let me know and I'll fix it. Otherwise, I am not responsible for any incidental or consequential losses resulting from its use or misuse.
••• Copyrights •••
(c) 1986-89 Art A. Schumer, All Rights World Wide are Reserved.